Home Remedies for Dark Lips

Several factors like the suns UV rays, smoking, caffeine and age can affect our lips and darken them. There are several ways to lighten dark lips that do not require buying expensive products or treatments. Natural home remedies can effectively lighten your lips. The time it takes for these remedies to work varies, so use them as long as needed to achieve the results you want. Here are home remedies to lighten dark lips:

Lemon has bleaching properties and is a natural skin lightening agent. Fresh lemon juice contains acidic contents that can peel the top layer of your skin. It has mild exfoliating properties too. Squeeze lemon juice and apply to your lips daily before going to bed.

lemon juice for lips

Honey is an amazing natural ingredient that can lighnten your lips and makes them soft. Apply honey on your lips regularly until you notice a change in your lip color.


3. Exfoliate with a Toothbrush
Exfoliate your lips regularly with tooth brush. Using a soft bristled toothbrush gently rub your lips in circular motions. This process helps in sloughing off the dead skin.


4. Beetroot Juice
Take some fresh beetroot juice and apply on your lips before going to bed every night. Wash it off next morning.Not only it will give you beautiful color, but also, beetroots are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and can efficiently help nourish your lips.


5.Sugar scrub
Scrubbing away dead skin cells leaves your lips soft and supple.
1 tsp honey
1 tsp oil (either olive, almond or other of your choice)
1-2 tsp white or brown sugar
Mix all the ingredients and gently massage it on your lips in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water and apply lip balm or olive oil.




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