Hyper Pigmentation of Skin

Hyper Pigmentation, technically known as chloasma or melasma is usually caused due to exposure to sun or on certain ways of inflammation to skin. This is usually found on dark colored skins with heavy Melanin pigment.

 beauty tips, skin pigmentation
Severe Skin Pigmentation

Causes of Hyper Pigmentation:- There are several causes that may lead skin more prone to hyper pigmentation. Some of them are:-

  • An acute fall in Folic Acid levels during Pregnancy or due to long use of Contraceptive Pills,
  • Certain strong Topical lotions, Creams, Cosmetics, Chemical Facials, Treatments etc., Next time before purchasing your cosmetics or any kind of topical application products, check the ingredients list and choose intelligently.
  • Avoid products containing Methyl, Propyl and Benxyl Hydrobenzoate, Paraphenylenediamine, long use of Retinoids, Hydroquinone, Salicyclic acid, Tretinoin, Accutane, L-Absorbic Acid, Hydrogen Per Oxide, Per Oxy Nitrate etc., Most of these are found in your face washes, shampoos, skin lotions, lightening treatments etc., All these are chemically extracted and make the skin sensitive to skin. This in turn makes your skin more prone to sun damage and hyper pigmentation.
  • Certain diseases like Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Addison’s Disease etc., lowers the immunity and makes skin sensitive resulting in Hyper Pigmentation.
  • Some drugs like Chlorpromazine, Chloroquine etc., have side effects of causing skin pigmentation.
  • Due to Free Radical damage of Skin.
how to reduce pigmentation
Signs of Pigmentation

Early Symptoms:-

  • Dark age spots
  • Freckles
  • Excessive Wrinkles
  • Splotches


how to stop ageing of skin
Early Ageing of Skin due to Pigmentation


Prevention and Cure:- Technically speaking, there is no exact cure to skin pigmentation. But certain foods and medications may efficiently control and prevent hyper pigmentation over time. All that needed is to keep the skin healthy and control sensitivity. Being careful and preventing before affected is the best way and this can be achieved using natural home remedies.


Papaya, Avocado, Bananas fight against hyper pigmentation
Papaya, Avocado, Bananas fight against hyper pigmentation


  1. Avoid Free Radicals:-  Do not expose to free radicals. This may sound impossible for you. But it is easy when you have more concern for your face and if you crave for a healthy skin. What you have to do to keep free radicals away from you is to avoid exposing to Air pollutants, over exposure to Sun, TV, Computer screens, Mobile phones, Aerosol sprays etc.,

    free radicals
    Foods rich in anti-oxidants remove free radicals from your body
  2. Avoid Sun:- The most dangerous culprit causing hyper pigmentation is Sun. Take care while going out in sun. Cover you body with soft cotton clothes and use a scarf to cover your face. Always use sunscreens above SPF 15.
  3. Exercise:- Exercise improves blood circulation and may help in keeping the skin healthy.
  4. Foods to Avoid:- Avoid fried, barbecued and smoked foods as they contain heavy free radicals, foods containing preservatives, colors, sweeteners, additives, emulsifiers etc., coffee, alcohol, smoking, beverages, foods containing saturated fats, processed foods, animal fats etc.,

    Avoid Pigmentation by quitting smoke, alcohol, processed foods, smoked foods
    Avoid Pigmentation by quitting smoke, alcohol, processed foods, smoked foods
  5. Foods to Prefer:- Foods rich in Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C prevent hyper pigmentation. Papayas, Avocados, Mango, Bananas, Garlic, Oats, Onion, Shallots, Carrots, Sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Oranges, Blackcurrants, Cranberries, Pumpkins etc., are great foods that should be adequately taken to avoid skin sensitivity and hyper pigmentation.

    how to stop skin pigmentation
    Right foods stops skin pigmentation by boosting skin health
  6. Medications:- Dermatologists usually prescribe Folic Acid tablets or Evening Primrose oil capsules, or topical applications. But medications may vary depending on your skin condition, intensity of the pigmentation, health etc., So always seek your dermatologist for exact medication that suits for you.

    folic acid for skin pigmentation
    Folic acid pills may reduce pigmentation caused during pregnancy

Home Remedies:- 2 most efficient working remedies to avoid and cure skin pigmentation:-

  1. Oats and Yogurt:- Oats and Yogurt mixture is great in curing hyper pigmentation. Daily use will boost the skin immunity and make it less prone to sun damage. Mix sufficient yogurt to half cup powdered oats to make a smooth paste. Apply over the exposed areas, leave for 20 minutes and wash with cold water.

    Oatmeal curd face pack controls pigmentation
    Oatmeal curd face pack controls pigmentation
  2. Potato:- Raw Potato juice also an efficient remedy for skin pigmentation. Extract raw potato juice by blending in a mixer, strain and  use over exposed skin. Daily use will give good results. Some people add lemon juice to potato juice but sensitive skins and those having severe pigmentation should avoid lemon juice.
raw potato juice is claimed to cure pigmentation
raw potato juice is claimed to cure pigmentation

 More Natural Home Remedies to Control Skin Pigmentation


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